Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quick Trash Can Re-Do

So the step-kids have been in town, and that means a little less DIY and a little more family fun time.  And it has been fun!! We have gone hiking up Enchanted Rock, north of San Antonio....
That's a little shot of the "Love" rock set about half way up the Rock. Can you see it?

Anyway, before all of our family fun time, I was trying desperately to finish the room, and my budget was pretty much gone, so I had to get pretty creative.  I needed a trash can for the room, and had a cheap-o Target can that I had picked up a while back for $2.50.  (I really love their bargain bins that they place right up front!!) The can was a blue with a hot pink design.  I had originally picked it up because it was cheap.  But it doesn't match anything.  So it got a coat of spray-paint.  :)

Black.  To match the new spare room re-do.

I didn't snap a before photo, as I was really in a hurry, but here you can see the blue color of the interior. 
Here is a photo showing me almost done (and yes, that is a preview of another re-do I did right before the kids came that you can see in the background).  I'll post pictures of the entire room this weekend!

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